Employment Services
Explore services in employment ranging from work-based assessments, career exploration, volunteerism, and supported job coaching. Our employment services help individuals learn skills to prepare themselves for competitive employment in the community
Community &
Pre-Vocational Supports and Careers
The Arc Erie County New York offers a variety of
pre-employment and Community Employment services ranging from paid employment, to volunteerism, to the career discovery process, all in an integrated setting. Services are individualized to achieve personal goals whether it be to enhance work skills or explore career interests. Individuals often transition from Pre-employment Services to Community Employment Programs.
Youth Transition Services
The Arc Erie County New York offers a variety of transition services ranging from work-based learning opportunities to paid employment. Services are designed to provide opportunities for individuals to discover the adult services available and gain the experience to make informed choices regarding their service needs.
The Arc Erie County New York's Community Employment Services assist people in preparing, securing and maintaining competitive employment within their community.
Our program encourage career awareness and growth for people by connecting them with employers based on their interest area. Services offered include: community-based work assessment; career development; work readiness skill development; job placement; and supported employment services.
Introducing the Training Center at 2643 Main St.
Our new employment services training center is located on the second floor of 2643 Main St. in Buffalo.
Click the button to learn more about our upcoming programs in the Specialized Workforce Training Center.

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