The Arc Erie County
is going over the edge!
This unique fundraiser is an exhilarating experience unlike any other
June 27th, 2025
Sponsorship Levels

Everest Sponsor - $10,000
3 Rappel Spots on June 26
Company name/logo featured on event advertising (print, radio TV)
Company name announced at event
Opportunity to place a marketing item in rappeler goodie bags
Company name/logo featured on event t-shirts
Company name/logo featured on event promo materials (website, social media)
Company name/logo featured on signage at event
10 Tickets to the VIP party
Alpine Sponsor - $7,500
• 2 Rappel Spots
Company name announced at event
Opportunity to place a marketing item in rappeler goodie bags
Company name/logo featured on event t-shirts
Company name/logo featured on event promo materials (website, social media)
Company name/logo featured on signage at event
• 10 Tickets to the VIP party
Peak Sponsor - $5,000
• 1 Rappel Spots
Opportunity to place a marketing item in rappeler goodie bags
Company name/logo featured on event t-shirts
Company name/logo featured on event promo materials (website, social media)
Company name/logo featured on signage at event
• 8 Tickets to the VIP party
Crag Sponsor - $2,500
Opportunity to place a marketing item in rappeler goodie bags
Company name/logo featured on event t-shirts
Company name/logo featured on event promo materials (website, social media)
Company name/logo featured on signage at event
• 6 Tickets to the VIP party
Bluff Sponsor - $1,000
Company name/logo on sponsor signage at event
Company name and/or logo featured on event promotional materials including:
event website, email blasts, and social media
Company name announced during event.
• 4 Tickets to VIP Party
Boulder Sponsor - $500
Company name/logo on large sign at event
• 2 tickets to the VIP party
What is Over the Edge?
Over The Edge is a special events company that provides signature urban rappelling events for non-profit organizations anywhere in North America. Business leaders, individuals, and community members are invited to raise donations in exchange for the experience of going Over The Edge of a local building and rappelling down the side of the building. Over The Edge has raised over $70 million for non-profits around the world.
What is the Arc Erie County?
Started in 1951 by a group of parents who were seeking supports for their children with disabilities, The Arc Erie County New York has always been a place for people to feel welcome despite their differences.
At The Arc Erie County, we focus on the person as a whole, while considering their individualized needs and desires. We strive not only to support people with disabilities but to also support the family unit to ensure an all-inclusive care network. People are supported over the arc of a lifetime, from birth through end of life. A variety of opportunities are available for education, employment, recreation and residential supports through quality programming.